
Murcia: el 90% de las embarazadas desconoce la gravedad de los efectos del consumo de alcohol

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20120301113744.jpgStroke victims admitted to hospital in an emergency are four times more likely to die than those admitted following a heart attack, according to NHS figures.

sked by Ed Miliband to give a list of organisations «who still wholeheartedly support» the Health and Social Care Bill, David Cameron played down opposition to the health reforms and insisted there was support for the role of competition in the NHS.

The Prime Minister said just seven per cent of GPs and two per cent of physiotherapists had called for the Health and Social Care Bill to be dropped.

After listing organisations that oppose the bill, such as the Royal College of GPs, and the Royal College of Nurses, the Labour party leader told the Tories the bill was «digging their own burial at the next general election».

To this comment, Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls started to mime a digging motion.

«Doesn’t it occur to him [Cameron] that just maybe [the organisation’s] are right and he’s wrong?» Mr Miliband asked.

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